This event is online and you can access from anywhere in the world. The best part? Even if you miss the event for some reason, the whole event will be recorded and those who pre-register will have full access to all of the content, all of the videos, all of the printable scripts, and other resources. But you must pre-register to attend! We also will have them in your private Facebook Group.
Will Horton has trained more salespeople, more hypnotists, and more experts in negotiation, persuasion, and influence than just about anyone on earth.
He is a popular author, considered by many to be the #1 expert in addictions and addiction Treatment using NLP & Hypnosis, and a great teacher. His wisdom can help you win freinds and influence others at work, in your family, community, and in any situation.
Copyright © 2024 Dr. William D. Horton. All Rights Reserved.